It’s rude to speak ill of the dead, but I cut the interview short because he was a dick. I once interviewed Eddie Money on my radio show when he was in town to perform at Taste of Blue Ash. Alice Cooper doesn’t share a single frame with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey in their brief scene “together,” but he wouldn’t explicitly admit to me that he’d been edited in.
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He even stayed friendly when I tried to force a confession from him about his brief movie appearance in Wayne’s World. Nice Guy,” because he was probably the warmest and most open rock star I’ve interviewed. It’s ironic that one of his hit songs is “No More Mr. I’d talked with Alice Cooper in that same studio-without injuring him-when he stopped by one afternoon (musicians never stop by in the morning).

Hey, pleased to meet you, man, loved your album. Cornell was sitting directly behind the door and got knocked to the floor. He was recording an interview in a WEBN radio studio I thought was unoccupied, and since I was carrying some gear I opened the heavy soundproof door by kicking it. That was nothing compared to the actual physical assault I committed against Chris Cornell, now-deceased frontman for Soundgarden. Photographs by / Djomas/ photo illustration by Jen Kawanari

Our bleary-versus-bladder introduction wasn’t the one I’d hoped for. The emcee (me) had sorted the cards and decided to squeeze in a quick bathroom run before meeting the guest of honor backstage. Upstairs, the screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail had about 15 minutes to go, after which John (I can call him that now) would come on and answer written questions from the audience. I had no idea he was napping on a couch in the lounge below the Taft Theatre stage, and my clops down the stairs made him sit up. I was on my way to the bathroom when I accidentally woke up John Cleese.